“A healthy relationship with your children begins with a healthy relationship with yourself.”

-Hunter Clarke-Fields

What Is Mindful Parenting

Mindful Parenting is an approach to parenting created by the Mindful Mama Mentor, Hunter Clarke-Fields. It teaches parents like you tools and strategies to find their calm in the midst of the chaos of family life! We do this by developing a personal mindfulness practice to take care of our stress response, and using skillful communication with our children and ourselves. Parents also learn how to practice self-compassion so they can reset and begin anew each day and in each new moment. 

Why Practice Self-Compassion?

Let’s face it, parenting has its difficulties as well as its joys! None of us is a perfect parent, and, in fact, that’s not even the goal. The stressors of daily life are a lot to hold. We all lose our cool with our kids from time to time. Even I do. So, how do we recover when things don’t go as planned? How can we get the baseline of our nervous system to be more grounded and steady? Finally, how do we talk to our kids effectively so they can really listen, and we can listen to what their hearts are telling us.

“I realized that to be the parent I wanted to be, I needed to become calmer and less reactive.”

-Hunter Clarke-Fields

You Can Become A Mindful Parent

Through personalized coaching, group coaching, or the 8-week Mindful Parenting course, you can make these strategies part of your personal toolbox and be the parent you always imagined … or at least close!

Mindful Parents Experience

  • Harmony in the Home

  • Greater connection with their children

  • Bounce back quicker from parenting struggles

  • Respond more than react to stressors

  • Better self-care

  • Empathy for themselves and their children. 

  • Tolerate difficult emotions in themselves and their children. 

  • Communicate their needs effectively.

More About Mindful Parenting Founder Hunter Clarke Fields & Resources

The Mindful Mama Mentor, Hunter Clarke-Fields is the author of Raising Good Humans, and creator of the 8-week Mindful Parenting Course as well as the Mindful Parenting Teacher Training and certification program.

For more resources, including the Mindful Mama Mentor Blog, click here.